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Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de documents sur lʼhypertension accessibles au public et provenant de sources réputées. Vous pouvez sélectionner une ou plusieurs options parmi les mots-clés, lʼorganisation source ou le public visé pour filtrer la liste. Il nʼest pas nécessaire de choisir une option dans chaque liste. Pour supprimer les options sélectionnées, cliquez sur « Réinitialiser ».

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Hypertension Modules: Managing the Blood Pressure of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic Kidney disease, Management, Treatment WHL
Hypertension Modules: Performance Improvement and Quality of Care in the Healthcare System: Implications for the Management of Hypertension Health care system, Performance management, Quality of care WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Public Health/Clinical Success: Impact of High Blood Pressure Control Program Clinical Success, Control, Public Health Success WHL
Hypertension Modules: Quality Improvement Indicators and Management of Hypertension Indicators, Management, Quality improvement WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Selection of Drugs in Hypertension: Does It Make a Difference? Drug, Medicine, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Sodium, Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease: Interpreting Good, Bad and Indifferent Data Blood Pressure, CVD, Sodium WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Strategies to Improve Patient Adherence to Anti-Hypertensive Treatment Adherence, Anti-hypertensive treatment, Strategies WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Team-Based Care to Improve Blood Pressure Control: The CAPTION Trial Blood Pressure, CAPTION Trial, Team-based care WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: The Management of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Coronary Artery disease, Management, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Module: Hypertension Guideline Update: Current Controversies and Clinical Implications/Difference Among Hypertension Guidelines: What Can We Learn? Clinical implications of guideline, Controversies, Guideline WHL
Hypertension Module: Clinical Consideration in the Management of Hypertension in the Africal American Patient/Management of Hypertension in Blacks - Data vs. Honararia African-American, Management, Special population WHL
Hypertension Module: Cardiorenal Metabolic Syndrome Cardiorenal Metabolic Syndrome, Clinical WHL
Hypertension Module: Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Hypertension/Pediatric Hypertension Evaluation and Management Diagnosis, Pediatric hypertension, Treatment WHL
Hypertension Module: Dietary Approaches to Prevent and Control Elevated Blood Pressure/Implementing DASH and Salt Reduction in the Clinical Management of Hypertension DASH, Salt reduction, Treatment WHL
Hypertension Module: Early Life Origins of Chronic Disease Including Hypertension Early life origin of chronic disease, History WHL
Hypertension Module: Home Blood Pressure Monitoring - When, How and Why Home BP Monitoring WHL
Hypertension Module: Hypertension and Precision Medicine Precision medicne WHL
Hypertension Module: Improving Hypertension Control Rates - Focus on Adherence to Regimens Adherence, Control WHL
Hypertension Module: Resistant Hypertension and the Management of High Blood Pressure: Global Implications forthe Patient from South Asia Management, Resistant hypertension, South Asia WHL
Hypertension Module: Hypertension Control by Design Optimizing Hypertenison, Prevention, and Control in Clinical Pratice/ Optimizing Hypertension Control Control, Optimizing hypertension control WHL
Hypertension Module: Use of Out-ofClinic Blood Pressure monitoring in Hypertenison Diagnosis and Treatment BP measurement, Monitoring, Out-of-office BP WHL
Hypertension Module: Hypertenison: A Simplified Mechanistic Approach to Antihypertensice Drug Therapy Anti-hypertensive treatment, Mechanistic Approach, Treatment WHL
Hypertension Module: Evaluation and Treatment of Resistant Hypertension/Resistant Hypertension Evaluation, Resistant hypertension, Treatment WHL
Hypertension Module: Organizing Hypertension Prevention and Control Programs Control, Organizing, Prevention WHL
Hypertension Module: Pathophysiology of Placental Ischemia-induced Hypertension Indentifying potential therapeutic targets for preeclampsia/Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia Clinical, Placental Ischemia-induced hypertension, Therapeutic Target WHL