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Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de documents sur lʼhypertension accessibles au public et provenant de sources réputées. Vous pouvez sélectionner une ou plusieurs options parmi les mots-clés, lʼorganisation source ou le public visé pour filtrer la liste. Il nʼest pas nécessaire de choisir une option dans chaque liste. Pour supprimer les options sélectionnées, cliquez sur « Réinitialiser ».

Titre Mots clés Organisation source URL
How to conduct blood pressure screening Manual, Screening, Introduction WHL Visiter le site
ACE Inhibitors and ARBs ACE Inhibitors, ARBs, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: American Society of Hypertension: Clinical Hypertension Specialists Introduction, Specialist, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Assessing Blood Pressure in the Clinic Blood Pressure, Clincal setting, Screening WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Blood Pressure Reduction: How Low to Go Lower threshold, Management, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Chlorthalidone vs Hydrochlorothiazide in the Management of Hypertension Chlorthalidone, Hydrochlorothiazide, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Clinical Considerations in the Management of Hypertension of African Americans with Hypertension African-American, Management, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Diagnosis and Management of Secondary Hypertension Diagnosis, Management, Secondary Hypertension WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Heart Health and Risk in a Contemporary Black Southern Cohort Black, Health Attack, Special population WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Home Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Patient with High Blood Pressure Blood Pressure, BP measurement, Home BP Monitoring WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Hypertension and Heart Failure: Lessons from Observational Studies and Clinical Trials to Guide Patient Care Clinical trials, Heart Failure, Hypertension WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Hypertension Management in the Stroke Patient Special population, Stroke, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Hypertension Through the Ages: Today's Implications Age, Hypertension, Today's implications WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Hypertension: Blood Pressure and Public Health 2014 Hypertension, Public Health WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Initial Treatment Approach and Strategies for the Management of Hypertension: A Model for Success Initial treatment, Management, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Management of Hypertension in Special Populations (Hispanic/Latinos) Management, Special population, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Managing the Blood Pressure of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic Kidney disease, Management, Treatment WHL
Hypertension Modules: Performance Improvement and Quality of Care in the Healthcare System: Implications for the Management of Hypertension Health care system, Performance management, Quality of care WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Public Health/Clinical Success: Impact of High Blood Pressure Control Program Clinical Success, Control, Public Health Success WHL
Hypertension Modules: Quality Improvement Indicators and Management of Hypertension Indicators, Management, Quality improvement WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Selection of Drugs in Hypertension: Does It Make a Difference? Drug, Medicine, Treatment WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Sodium, Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease: Interpreting Good, Bad and Indifferent Data Blood Pressure, CVD, Sodium WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Strategies to Improve Patient Adherence to Anti-Hypertensive Treatment Adherence, Anti-hypertensive treatment, Strategies WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: Team-Based Care to Improve Blood Pressure Control: The CAPTION Trial Blood Pressure, CAPTION Trial, Team-based care WHL Visiter le site
Hypertension Modules: The Management of Hypertension in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Coronary Artery disease, Management, Treatment WHL Visiter le site